5 Foot gas barbecue Safety and operation instructions
This appliance should be operated by a competent person and should be used as per the operating instructions below, with necessary steps taken to ensure complete safety. The BBQ should never be left unattended whilst switched on.
· All our gas appliances are regularly tested by staff for safety, and for operation. This check involves connecting a gas bottle to the appliance and opening the gas tap on the bottle, with the operation switches closed. We then pass a gas detector all around the appliance, and around the connection to the gas bottle, to ensure that gas does not flow from unwanted areas. Following this, the appliance is lit, and left to run to ensure that it operates effectively and safely.
· A qualified gas-safe registered technician also tests our gas appliances annually.
· If you suspect a gas leak while using the appliance, twist the gas bottle closed if safe to do so, do not use any naked lights, clear the area of all personnel and ensure as much ventilation as possible. If a strong smell of gas lingers, consider calling the fire brigade.
· It is advisable that a suitable fire extinguisher is present when the appliance is being used.
· When moving the BBQ, please do not drag the regulator across the ground as this will damage the threads and prevent the gas tight seal needed in the bottle.
Operating Instructions
· The five-foot gas BBQs we stock have two separate gas ignition points. This means that the user can choose to use either half the BBQ, or the full cooking space.
· To set up the barbecue, release the legs from the retaining clips at each end of the appliance. Swing the leg assembly out so the inner struts can be pressed firmly into the same retaining clips.
· Stand the BBQ upright, as level as possible.
· Once the BBQ is set up, with the legs secured in place, the user should check around the barbecue for any signs of damage to the appliance, hose, or gas bottle.
· Please ensure the gas taps at either end of the BBQ are closed.
· The user should then screw the gas connector from the BBQ into the gas bottle. You must use a spanner to ensure a gas-tight connection.
· The gas cylinder should be placed in an upright position, as far from the BBQ as possible without placing strain on the hose. The gas cylinder must not be placed in contact with or underneath the BBQ. It is important to make sure that no naked flames come close to the gas bottle.
· It is good operating practice for the user to check for gas leaks with a combustible gas leak detector after connecting the apparatus to any gas bottles, before ignition takes place. As above, this involves opening the gas tap on the bottle, with the operation switches closed. The user should then pass a gas detector all around the appliance, and around the connection to the gas bottle, to ensure that there is no gas flowing from unwanted areas.
· Following this, the user can safely light the appliance. To do this, use a long-nosed lighter, holding the flame to one of the ignition points on the underside of the BBQ, with the correct operation switch twisted open. It is important that the switch is not fully open, and has not been left to flow for long periods of time before lighting, as this could result in large amounts of excess combustible gas. It is not necessary to hold the flame all the way inside the appliance.
· The user should repeat this process with the other ignition point if both sides of the BBQ are required.
· To regulate the temperature, you can open or close the operation switch on either side of the appliance.
· Once the BBQ is lit, the cooking surface quickly becomes hot, so extreme caution should be exercised. The user may consider appropriately signing the area, or warning those who are nearby.
· Once finished with the appliance turn off the tap on each end of the BBQ, and turn the hand wheel on the gas bottle to stop the flow of gas to the unit. Do not place the hose and regulator on top of the BBQ until completely cool.
· Please leave the appliance to cool down sufficiently before attempting to clean it, or to move it.